Monday 31 August 2015


WELCOME to TAW’s Delicious Guide!

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum everybody. I am Tawfiq and I am 19 years old turning 20 this upcoming October. Click ‘ J ‘ for more details about this amazing writer/ blogger; ME! First of all, congrats for finding out about my blog; TAW’s Delicious Guide. Thank you very much for willingly to still stay and continue reading all of this. For more information regarding about THIS blog, you guys may click HERE.

I am not an expert in judging and criticizing food, but I have a great sense of pallets in finding delicious treats. This blog is basically for me to express my thoughts, opinions, ideas and everything that I want; food related of course. All of the post from this blog is just my two-cent opinion and original. I apologize in advanced if there are any similarity from my blog on other websites and pages. 
Don’t forget to follow and be one of the FELLOW FOODY-LOVERS. Feel free to explore this scrumptious blog. Oh! I almost forgot, you guys may express your opinion or anything that you want regarding about My Entries. Just simply type it at the comment box provided underneath each post. And you can also rate each of my post.

Want more of TAW’s yumminess? Follow my official social accounts:

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