Wednesday 26 August 2015



Pantai Timur Rice Chicken. R&R Gambang

Hi! How is my favourite food-hunter’s doing? Well I’m hoping you guys will stay hungry like usual. For today’s review, I’m going to talk about a stall that is in R&R Gambang which is Pantai Timur Rice Chicken (stall number 10). I believe that for those who have been there must have seen this stall right? For me, every time whenever I went to R&R Gambang, I will make sure that I atleast visit the stall and order their famous rice chicken. The owner; Puan Normah, has been making nasi ayam for over 25 years and is someone that is very friendly, cheerful and love to smile.. a lot.

 PTRC Nasi Ayam is 'Bae' 
PTRC Nasi Lemak Bungkus is 'Bae'

Pantai Timur Rice Chicken stall is also famous for their Mee Kari, Laksa Penang and Mee Hoon Soup. They provided Nasi Berlauk for lunch as well with fried rice and bihoon soup. Most of the R&R food court that I have been before is dirty, stinks and dull which is not good considering that is the place where I recharge myself. R&R Gambang food court is clean and comfortable to relax and enjoy your tired self. Pantai Timur Rice Chicken stall is graded A for its cleanliness. It’s self-service like any other food stall in R&R and they will serve your delicious meal with a smile.

Let’s begin with the star of Pantai Timur Rice Chicken stall; Nasi Ayam. It is not a honey sweet, roasted or steamed chicken rice, but a basic one. I love the fact that it is neither cooked with honey nor being roasted/ steamed because nothing beats the authenticness of chicken rice. The chicken is so tender and juicy that melts in your mouth. The rice is full of aromatic with a hint taste of garlic. The broth is delicious and wonderful that goes along with everything that’s in the plate. Besides chicken rice, you guys should try their Nasi Lemak Bungkus. The rice is flavourful with the taste of a coconut milk and pandan. Now, the sambal is like arrgghhh it’s so good like I could eat the whole pan of it. Its got all of the four element; sweet, sour, salty and spicy which is why it is perfect. Oh, I always eat it with telur mata a.k.a. fried egg because 1 boiled egg is never enough.

Next time whenever you are in R&R Gambang, do visit the food court and go to stall no.10: Pantai Timur Rice Chicken and have some of their delightful dishes.


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