Monday 31 August 2015

Conclusion: THE END


HELLO peeps, dudes, dudets, loyal readers and YOU!

It's sad for me to announce that this is my last entry for this blog. What blog? TAW's Delicious Guide! Thank you so so much for being with me from my first ever entry and till the last entry (this). I can't thank you enough since you guys are being so nice, loyal, hungry and happy; just the way I love it. If there are any mistakes and harsh words are being used in this blog, I am really sorry. Please, forgive me.. I'm begging you! HAHAHA. I do hope that you guys will go out and discover awesome foods out there and yes, I do understand that it will cost you a bit to dine out, so i recommend you guys to go to all of the cafe and restaurants that I have suggested before. Why? Because all of it is affordable and some of it are really cheap. Yup! Nothing is expensive in my blog, baby! For those who are interesting in blogging, please do so. It is fun and a great way to escape from your daily life and reality. And for those who love food, how about give your own review, thoughts and opinion about it whether by blogging or write it all out. But nothing that harsh and impolite of course. I promise you guys that you will love it, example; ME! 

OH! A gentle reminder; when you guys are trying out sorts of different and new food, please make sure that it is HALAL and healthy.

Some tips for those who wanted to be a food-guider (like Me):
1) Make sure you have a hearty appetite before you start the adventure
2) Invite a friend/ friends along to accompany you
3) Don't be afraid to try out new and unique dishes
4) Takes lot of pictures, videos, to capture your yummy moments
5) Lastly, just have fun! Nothing is stressful when it comes to food

Here is one last 'creative' quotes of mine:
"There is always a time for hungry 
and a time to explore great food because 
food is LOVE"

Assalamualaikum. :)

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