Sunday 16 August 2015



TAW's Delicious Guide
I love to eat just about anything and everything :)

Hello my fruits and veggies! So before any of you guys out there wonder what this blog is all about, who’s the writer and what’s not, I will guarantee you all that this blog will worth your time to stay and read. To start, I’m Tawfiq a.k.a. Taw, for short. 19 going to be 20 in a few months. I am not an expert when it comes to food but I do know a great food when I see one. I love to eat almost everything from Asian cuisine to Westerners goodness, savory to dessert plus spicy and sweet. When I was a young boy, I’ve watched a lot of cooking show and food related such as Chef at Home, Sugar, Man v.s Food, and many more but my favorite has to be Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan. From that, I sometimes imagine that I would be hosting my own food-tv show but more on the food travelogue kind of type; you know, where you go to different café or restaurant or even a stall and try all of their wonderful dishes and give your personal thought and comment about it. But life has other plan in store for me so I did not become that food tv-show host. Hence, I created this blog; ‘TAW’s Delicious Guide’ to continue on where I have left on my love for good foods.

What is TAW’s Delicious Guide is all about? Okay, so basically this blog will contain my reviewing towards the dishes, café or restaurant and stall as well as the environment and services provided on my favorite and selected spot. I will show you what’s hot and what’s not for your tongue to taste. Plus, I will also post tips and guides related to food; of course. And, I do hope that I will be able to inspire you guys to bake and cook, I don’t know how but somehow I do hope all of you will be to; one way or another. Here is my first advice or more likely an order for you guys today; Go out! Go explore; eat, drinks and discover new tasty treats. Because the food is waiting for you to come, grab and bite them. Nyum!

Do follow + stay tuned to find out what café / restaurant and dishes will I be reviewing. Who knows, maybe you guys might have give it a try before.


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