Sunday 30 August 2015

reviewing: SAMUDERA


Samudera. Indera Mahkota 8 Kuantan, Pahang.

Hey there my glory-goodness! Ever heard of 'Nasi Kukus' (steamed rice) you guys? Well if you don't, I just wanna say that I feel sad for you because nasi kukus is basically a steamed rice and accompanying it is kuah kari, sambal and herbs fried chicken. It has been Malaysia's favourite since the early 70's if I'm not mistaken. Regarding the history of that, I am going to review a nasi kukus at SAMUDERA in Indera Mahkota 8 Kuantan, Pahang. 

Finished it all cause it's so good

SAMUDERA opens everyday except on public holiday and has captured many hearts by their scrumptious nasi kukus and nasi kerabu despite been operating not for more than 2 years. If you guys are planning to come here (you better be), I suggest that you come on the afternoon after lunch hour because that's when there are few peoples and faster service. SAMUDERA restaurant is always clean and the staffs are friendly and approachable. 

The herbs fried chicken is superb!
Well, for this post, there is nothing that I would like to recommend you guys to try other than their Nasi Kukus. Just like any other nasi kukus, it comes with curry, sambal, cucumbers and herbs fried chicken. But what makes SAMUDERA stood out from the rest is that all of the bits and pieces of it is really good. The steamed rice is aromatic, the curry is flavourful, the sambal is sweet-spicy and the star of the dish is the herbs fried chicken. It is tender, moist and the skin is very crunchy. You can taste all of the herbs and spices in every bites.

Please check-out SAMUDERA official social account:


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