Monday 31 August 2015

reviewing: MYNY


MYNY Cafe. Indera Mahkota 7 Kuantan, Pahang
Heyyo! I hope you guys already prepare your pallets because I’m gonna take you guys to New York! Well you guys don’t need passport or luggage but just bring that sexy lips of yours because now everyone can have a taste of New York cuisine’s right here in Malaysia. Introducing; MYNY Café located in Indera Mahkota 7 opposite Hotel Sri Manja. According to them; “Taste real New York”.

Butter Chicken Rice is a must try dish 
This is Spaghetti Panna

MYNY Café is the infusions of Malaysia + New York cuisines. The Head Chef had been studied and worked as a chef in New York City for over than 6 years so He decided to bring all of his skills and experiences to Malaysia and taa-daa!!! That’s how MYNY Café was created. So if any of you guys out there who always wanted to try some of the New York foods, MYNY Café is THE place to do so.

Just me eating Spaghetti Panna :)
I am going to suggest 2 of my favourite MYNY dishes and the first is Spaghetti Panna. It is pasta with classic Italian white cream sauce. Okay, this spaghetti is rich and will fuel up any empty tummy since the portion is big and the cream sauce is very thick and hearty. Oh! it is also comes with Garlic Breads. The second on is the Butter Chicken Rice. It is a chicken with creamy and curry-smelled sauce served with rice. The sauce is buttery and spicy with a hint of chilies plus it is very unique in terms of the taste and flavor wise.

For more details about MYNY Café, do follow their official sites:


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