Sunday 30 August 2015



Hey hey hey B-fork and G-spoon! Today review is all about pasar malam (night market) but not just any pasar malam, it is Pasar Malam Taman Impian yow! Personally, sometimes I prefer to go to night market rather than the mall. Terkejut? Hahaha.. don’t be because there are many more out there that agreed with me. Raise your hand peeps! The reason is that I can basically find myself buying things or food that are cheap and tasty almost the same when I’m at the mall- minus the cheap part.

Me eating a Murtabak Ayam

I always felt excited whenever I went to night market. There’s plenty of cheap not to mention assorted foods, funky clothes, buskers at the corner and you will always find something new whenever you’re there. Pasar Malam Taman Impian is where I usually go during my stay here in Kuantan since my bachelor house is near to it. This pasar malam is open every Friday night from 4.30 p.m - 10.30 p.m. 

Dorayaki; the cute little treats
The Murtabak Ayam that I adore

PMTI is great because they have a Coconut Shake Special which is one of my all-time favourite drink. The coconut flesh is healthy and contains a lot of water and it is good for your body okay. It is semi-sweet and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top is another thing that I love about it. Next is the Murtabak Ayam. A classic Middle-East snack that Malaysians love, myself included. It is not too oily and the portion is suitable for one person to chow-it-down and the minced chicken meat is juicy. For a sweeter side, I always bought Dorayaki. Sound cute right? In fact, it look just cute as it sound too and the taste is great. It has 3 flavours; Chocolate, Peanut and Strawberry.


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